"FRIENDS AT CIBOLO CREEK" was commissioned by Michelle Neal, Media Specialist at Wiederstein Elementary (Cibolo, TX). Michelle wanted a mural to welcome visitors to her library that paid homage to Cibolo and her school. You'll find explanations of each element below. On a personal note, when I first started doing murals about three years ago, I was very dependent on the use of projectors. I have grown in confidence - especially over the lst three months - and I have gotten free from such dependence and have found that my paintings are actually better and have a more lively quality - not to mention that I can paint with more spontaneity and speed - without using a projector. I know that I had to use projectors as I was first stating out (and will continue to use them at times for certain forms of lettering, etc.) but cannot express how much this has added to the joy of painting for me. I had a blast designing and painting this mural and interacting with the great kids and teachers at Wiederstein. 11' X 8' Latex on Concrete Block. Mural #68.