MURAL #69: "GREAT SOUTH BAY AND ROBERT MOSES BRIDGE." Commissioned by PTO Volunteer Extraordinaire Dale Rippo for Alleghany Avenue Elementary School in Lindenhurst, NY. This scene is iconic to locals of Long Island, NY. I really enjoy doing murals that bring the outdoors indoors. I loved doing this fun mural for a fun bunch of folks! I love New Yorkers! This mural broke new ground for me in that I started work at 7:00 am took a break between 8:15 am and 12:30 pm to do two assemblies and have lunch and still finished the mural by 7:00 pm that night. This is significant in that I previously did not think such a thing was possible and it expands the possibilities of what I can offer clients when I (or they) only have one day to give. 5' X 8' Latex on Concrete Block.