PAINTING #30: "LOUIE." They are not married yet, but they already have a dog that they love. I had a blast doing this painting for my son ZacharyRumble and his fiance Kelley Yates. This is Louie as a puppy. What soulful eyes. Louie is a fun, sweet dog full of personality and will add a lot to Zachary and Kelley's home for years to come.
12" X 12". Acrylic on Stretched Canvas.

PAINTING #25 - "G-PA AND JAMES." Commissioned by my friend Bonnie Brown as a Father's Day gift for her dad Gary Mosteller, the painting depicts the first time Gary's father held James, Bonnie's and Dennis Brown's first-born. It was truly an honor to be asked to paint this touching scene made even more poignant by G-Pa's passing this past year. My hope was to capture the the joy, the love and tenderness of this very evidently dear man who was much loved and now greatly missed.
(24 X 18, Acrylic on Stretched Canvas.)
(24 X 18, Acrylic on Stretched Canvas.)

PAINTING #23: "REFLECTING ON A PERFECT DAY." My friends Steven and Miriam McGee got married at Berry College where they met. This scene captures the moments just after they exchanged vows and just before they would celebrate with family and friends at the reception. I love everything about this painting. I also love the sentiments of Steven's heart when he describes this event in their lives as a "perfect day."
(36 X 18, Acrylic on Stretched Canvas. SOLD.)
(36 X 18, Acrylic on Stretched Canvas. SOLD.)

PAINTING #22: "JANE." Commissioned as a Christmas gift for Robert D McGee by Barbara and Lon Freeman. "Jane" is a painting of Rob's beloved truck bequeathed to him by his grandfather. Rob cherished this classic vehicle. Then one fateful day, a tornado blew through Arkansas causing much destruction. Sadly, a nearby tree was uprooted and fell on top of Jane. And so, she was lost and Rob was, quite naturally, brokenhearted. But now - on canvas, at least - she lives on. Through Barbara and Ron's gracious gift, Rob and Jane are reunited.
No really good photos of the truck could be found of the truck prior to the tornado. This work was created through a compilation of photos, descriptions from those who knew Jane and a little imagination on my part.
(18 X 14, Acrylic on Stretched Canvas. SOLD.)
No really good photos of the truck could be found of the truck prior to the tornado. This work was created through a compilation of photos, descriptions from those who knew Jane and a little imagination on my part.
(18 X 14, Acrylic on Stretched Canvas. SOLD.)

PAINTING #18: Detail of "LIFE IS BRIGHTER WHEN I AM WALKING WITH YOU." I was camping out at Anastasia State Park in St. Augustine, FL when this trio inspired this painting. They walked so slowly. They stopped every now and then and looked directly at one another for a while as they talked. They seemed entirely engrossed in the conversation and in each other. Of course I wondered what they were talking about. At first, I assumed that they were at odds at some level or that there must have been some sort of conflict they were working through. Then they threw back their heads and fell into one another as they shared a laugh together. Then I wondered at the blessedness they surely must share being in such a relationship together. With all of the beauty that surrounded me, I realized that there is none so breathtaking as the beauty of human beings dwelling together and sharing together in unconditional love.
(18 X 14, Acrylic on Stretched Canvas. AVAILABLE.)
(18 X 14, Acrylic on Stretched Canvas. AVAILABLE.)

PAINTING #16: “CHIP AND HIS MOM.” I did not know that Chip was such a celebrity until after I had already finished this portrait of him and his mom Lea. At 13 years of age, Chip Madren was a gregarious, energetic athlete. Then one day he began experiencing blurred vision and unexplainable stumbling. Concerned, Lea took him to his doctor and three days later he was having brain surgery for a cancerous tumor deep in his brain and wrapped around his spine. Life rapidly took a shocking turn for the Madrens. Now, nearly four years later, Chip is cancer-free. The Madrens give the credit the mighty hand of a loving God at work in their lives. Through it all, Chip and his family has been surrounded by the encouragement and support of “Chip’s Nation.” You can learn more about this at chipnation.org. Chip has made several TV appearances. In one interview Chip tells of his own encounter with God during a ten-month period during which he was unable to speak. You can watch that interview by following the link provided. It was an immense honor to express this great young man’s likeness on canvas.
“Chip and His Mom” was painted from a photo that captures Lea’s devotion to Chip and his recovery (which can be seen in my timeline photos). Out of all the paintings I have done since beginning my “Painting Adventure,” this painting features an area of which I am most proud - the area including Lea's hand along with her jewelery. (18X14, Acrylic on Stretched Canvas. SOLD.)
“Chip and His Mom” was painted from a photo that captures Lea’s devotion to Chip and his recovery (which can be seen in my timeline photos). Out of all the paintings I have done since beginning my “Painting Adventure,” this painting features an area of which I am most proud - the area including Lea's hand along with her jewelery. (18X14, Acrylic on Stretched Canvas. SOLD.)

PAINTING #12: "TWO GIRLS AND A GULL." Whenever we are at the beach, Cathy and I enjoy watching kids play in the waves. Our kids are grown, but we still enjoy watching the antics other people's children. These sisters were completely engrossed in playing in the sand. They had no idea that we were watching them. And they have even less of an idea that they are in one of my paintings (which, to me, is fascinating to consider). And the gull? The gull wasn't there at all. I added him simply to make the painting more intriguing and tell a bit more of a story. I think he is the perfect touch to round out what may be my favorite painting to date.
(10x8, Acrylic on Stretched Canvas. SOLD.)

PAINTING #10: "LORRAINE AND OLE BUDGER." Lorraine (mother to a high school friend of mine Debbie Morgan Foresman) was the only girl in a family with 4 brothers, all considerably older than her. This painting was made from a a black and white photo taken in the 1930s when Lorraine was 5 years old living in the hard scrabble hills of Tennessee. Her mother had passed away in the year prior to the making of photograph. Before reaching the age of 7, her father also would pass away. As an orphan, she bounced around between those willing to take her in until her oldest brother finished a stint in the military a number of years later and was able to take custody of her. Ole Budger was "her" dog and through it all was her friend and constant companion. As I painted this picture - my first attempt at a portrait - I spent many hours looking into the eyes and hearts of these two friends bound together by love and circumstance. I must confess the I grew quite fond of them both.
(16x20, Acrylic on Stretched Canvas. SOLD.)

PAINTING #8: "BRITTANY." Brittany is sweet, loyal and outgoing. She is friendly to all creatures great and small.
At the park, she makes the rounds saying "hello" to and batting her trademark eyelashes at anyone and everyone, only checking back in every now and then to make sure Mama is OK. What an honor it has been to paint this beautiful and loving dog.
At the park, she makes the rounds saying "hello" to and batting her trademark eyelashes at anyone and everyone, only checking back in every now and then to make sure Mama is OK. What an honor it has been to paint this beautiful and loving dog.
(10x8, Acrylic on Stretched Canvas. SOLD.)

PAINTING #7: "BABY." Baby was a faithful dog, ever close to the foot of her mama Amy. He had little interest in other dogs, people or any other such creatures. He would tolerate those Amy cared about, however. His affections ran deep, but he only had eyes for Amy. For fourteen years, through many changes during the early season of Amy's adulthood, Baby was the constant friend and companion. It has been a great honor to paint him.
(10x8, Acrylic on Stretched Canvas. SOLD.)