MURAL #45: "COX'S CREEK." I was commissioned to do six murals at Cox's Creek Elementary (Cox's Creek, KY). Upon my arrival, my hosts were still undecided regarding the subject matter of all six. When principal Angie Taylor mentioned that the actual Cox's Creek ran through the back portion of the school's property, I said that I thought one of the murals should depict the creek. She agreed. So, I hiked to the creek and walked up and down the banks taking photos. The resulting mural is based on a combination of two of those photos and is one of my favorite murals to date.
I was putting the finishing touches on the mural on a Saturday afternoon when a husband's of a teacher at Cox's Creek walked though the cafeteria and paid me one the highest compliments I have received as a painter. He said that his only concern was that the mural looked too real and that the students may attempt to jump into the creek!
Latex on Concrete Block, 8' X 8'.
I was putting the finishing touches on the mural on a Saturday afternoon when a husband's of a teacher at Cox's Creek walked though the cafeteria and paid me one the highest compliments I have received as a painter. He said that his only concern was that the mural looked too real and that the students may attempt to jump into the creek!
Latex on Concrete Block, 8' X 8'.

MURAL PROJECT #14: "SCENE THREE - "OLD KENTUCKY HOME." Cox's Creek Elementary (Cox's Creek, KY) sits just a stone's throw from this beautiful homestead that inspired Stephen Foster's classic song. This was my first portrait of an American historical figure. The flowering dogwoods were the perfect touch touch to make this composition pop, I think.
Mural #44: Latex on Concrete Block, 15' X 7'.
Mural #44: Latex on Concrete Block, 15' X 7'.