10' X 4', Latex on Concrete Block.

MURAL #54: "SAGE FOX." The good folks at Sage Elementary (Rock Springs, WY) commissioned this mural for their main hallway. They asked me to incorporate the surrounding environment in the painting. The mountains in Wyoming are far different from the mountains of North Georgia where I live, so the learning curve was pretty high. The part of White Mountain which can be seen from the school is in the background. The mural required me to hike the area (which I loved!) to study the plants indigenous to Rock Springs. I was able to complete the mural in two days. My hosts were delighted with the work. I felt pretty good about it as well, until the very next day when I visited the National Wildlife Art Museum in Jackson, WY and I saw the amazing paintings there and realized how much I had to learn.
8' X 5', Latex on Concrete Block.

Mural #40: Latex on Sheet Rock, 10' X 8'.

Mural #39: Latex on Concrete Block, 4' X 7'.

MURAL #38: Latex on Concrete Block, 10' X 3'.

Mural #34: Latex on Concrete Block, 10' X 3'.

Mural #33: Latex on Concrete Block, 7' X 3'.

Mural #32: Latex on Concrete Block, 8' X 6'.

Mural #31: Latex on Concrete Block, 10' X 3'.

Mural #30, Latex on Concrete Block, 8' X 4'.

Mural 29, Latex on Concrete Block, 20' X 4'.

Mural #28: Latex on Concrete Block, 60' X 15'.

Mural #17: Latex on Stucco, 16' X 8'.

(120' X 4.5-7.5', Latex and Concrete Block. SOLD.)

Mural #9: Latex on Concrete Block, 15' X 8'.

The project includes over 400 square feet of art. It took 60 hours of intense work over the course of five days to complete. Before this project I had only done three murals in my entire life! Every painting or mural I have done over the last nine months has expanded my horizons as an artist. This project did that for me in more ways than I can express.

Mural #3: Latex on Concrete Block. 35’ X 6’.